When you inherit a property, it can lead to a series of contemplations. Should you reside in it or sell it? If you lean towards the latter and choose to sell your inherited property, it’s crucial to remember that there are no guarantees that an estate agent will be able to find a buyer quickly. This can leave you burdened with a home that you may not have the time or resources to manage effectively.
On the other hand, collaborating with Cash Home Buyers offers a hassle-free experience and a swift sale, often completed within seven days. Working with us ensures a streamlined process, allowing you to alleviate the stress and responsibility of managing an inherited property while achieving a quick and efficient sale.
If you have inherited property, it is necessary to obtain probate first. Due to a court backlog caused by the pandemic, this process currently takes between 12 to 18 months. However, our dedicated team can complete the process within a shorter timeframe of 4 to 8 months. Typically, obtaining probate can be expensive, with costs ranging from £3000 to £5000. Additionally, there may be costs associated with property maintenance, such as £1000 to £2000 for repairs.
At Cash Home Buyers, we understand that individuals going through the probate process may not have this money readily available. Therefore, Cash Home Buyers offers to pay these expenses on your behalf and deduct them from the sale proceeds. By utilising our expert probate team and services, the overall cost would be reduced by 50%. It is important to obtain probate promptly for vacant properties to avoid additional expenses such as council tax, utilities, water, gas, and building insurance costs.
It’s as simple as that! On average, contracts are exchanged within 24 hrs and the fast sale process is typically completed within 3 weeks. In certain situations, Cash Home Buyers can expedite the process and buy houses in as little as 4 days.
Phone: 0800 433 2332
Office: 0121 643 1346
Email: info@cashhomebuyers.uk
Whether you’ve been struggling to sell your property for a considerable time or simply desire a fast house sale without any hidden costs, Cash Home Buyers is here to assist. As a trusted property buying company, we specialise in facilitating quick house sales. Our knowledgeable team is ready to address all your inquiries. Contact us today to discover how we can help you sell your house swiftly for cash!